Morrisville State College

Academic Quad Weather Station
Morrisville Weather Page | Dr. Shayya's Home Page

Current Weather Conditions at Morrisville, NY

As of: 04/27/24 1:45a

Temperature: 38.6°F Dewpoint: 25.1°F
Humidity: 58% Wind Chill: 38.6°F
Wind: E at 0.0 mph THW (Temperature/Humidity/Wind) Index: 37.8°F
Barometer: 30.349 in and Falling Slowly Heat Index: 37.8°F
Today's Rain: 0.00 in Monthly Rain: 3.53 in
Storm Total: 0.00 in Yearly Rain: 4.64 in
Current Rain Rate: 0.00 in/hr Solar Radiation: 0 W/m²

Sunrise: 6:01a     Sunset: 7:59p

Website developed and maintained by Dr. Walid Shayya, Professor, State University of New York at Morrisville.