Course Outline/Syllabus                                                                        

BSAD 140 Business Communications


Instructor:  Mrs. Payette                                                            E-mail:

                                                                                    Office:  Room 114 Charlton Hall

                                                                                                Phone:  X6022


Required Supplies:    Textbook:  Business Communication: Process & Product, 5th Edition, Mary Ellen Guffey, South-Western, 2006

                                    E-Pack:  Web Advantage to Accompany Business Communications

                                    In order to run the videos within WebAdvantage, students may need to download two separate software in the order stated below:

                                    1.  Type in “Google” - and download the latest software there.

                                    2.  Then type in the following e-mail address                                                                     and download “FlashPlayer”. 

                                    Turn off your computer after you have downloaded both of these programs in the order stated, then reboot and you should now have                                               access to the videos in our course.


Important Addresses:  Textbook Web Page:


Required Supplies:  Textbook (stated above), Internet access, E-mail account (check often… daily would be good…), Microsoft Word


Course Objective        

BSAD 140 is an introductory course designed to help you develop and refine the skills necessary to communicate effectively in a professional business environment. The focus will be on communicating clearly, concisely, considerately, and correctly, both orally and in writing. You will learn to plan, compose, and evaluate business documents, including letters, memos, and business  reports; to use technology to communicate, including e-mail and discussion boards; and to prepare and deliver oral presentations. The course will also contain an introduction to employment communication, including résumés, application letters, and interview skills. Emphasis throughout the course will be placed on intercultural communication and the ethics of communication. Teaching/learning methods will include reading, close analysis of business and professional documents, in-class writing and oral exercises, brief lectures, formal writing assignments, group projects, and examinations. Through class meetings and out-of-class work, you should expect to do the following:

1.   Understand the process of communication from the positions of “receiver” and “sender” in a variety of business and professional contexts.

2.   Apply specific reasoned, practical, and ethical business communication principles to composing and delivering typical business and professional messages.

3.   Enhance awareness of communication contexts and practices in other cultures.

4.   Practice business communication skills in both independent and collaborative/team situations.


Prerequisite: English 101


Course Outline:

Week 1            Class Orientation and Introductions – CLUE (Competent Language Usage                                Essentials) – Diagnostic Test A-- Chapter 1  Communicating at Work

Week 2            Chapter 2: Communicating in Small Groups

                        Chapter 3:  Workplace Listening and Nonverbal Communication


Week 3            Chapter 3 Continued…

                        Chapter 4:  Communicating Across Cultures


Week 4            Quiz on Chapters 1 - 4 (Unit 1)

                        Chapter 5:  Writing Process Phase 1:  Analyze, Anticipate, Adapt

                        Chapter 6:  Writing Process Phase 2:  Research, Organize, Compose


Week 5:           Chapter 7:  Writing Process Phase 3:  Revise, Proofread, Evaluate


Week 6:           Chapter 7 Continued…

                        In class writing assignments or Quiz on Chapters 5 - 7 (Unit 2)

                        Chapter 8:  Routine E-Mail Messages and Memos


Week 7:           Chapter 8 Continued…

                        Chapter 9:  Routine Letters and Goodwill Messages


Week 8:           Chapter 9 Continued… 

                        CLUE Diagnostic Test B given in class this week.


Week 9:           Chapter 10:  Persuasive Sales Messages

                        Chapter 11:  Negative Messages


Week 10:         Chapter 11:  Negative Messages

In class writing assignments or Quiz on Chapters 8 - 11 (Unit 3)


Week 11:         Chapter 15:  Speaking with Confidence (read and discuss) 

Chapter 16:  Employment Communication


Week 12:         Employment Preparation – Informational Interviews, Resumes,


Week 13          Employment Preparation – Resumes continued, “The Interview”


Week 14          Employment Preparation – Follow Up Letters, etc.

                        In class writing assignments or Quiz on Chapters 15 & 16 (Unit 5)



Week 15          Review Week  (may be used if we needed more time during semester to complete chapter work…)


Week 16          Final Exam


Grading           Quiz/Tests (includes Final Exam)           33%

                        Writing/Chapter assignments                 33%

                        Language Arts assignments                   33%


Grading Scale:                       A         -           100 - 95

                                                A-        -             94 – 90

                                                B+       -             89 – 85

                                                B          -             84 – 80

                                                B-        -             79 – 76

                                                C+       -             75 – 70

                                                C         -             69 – 65

                                                C-        -             64 – 60

                                                D+       -             59 – 55

                                                D         -             54 – 50

                                                F          -           Below F


Attendance Policy:

You are expected to attend all classes.  Penalties for not attending the class stipulate that if you miss more than 3 (three) classes, for any reason, you may be asked to withdraw from the class or you may be given an automatic F.  Please note, if you are late for class it is your responsibility to ensure that the instructor has marked you present in class at the end of that class.  No changes to the attendance record will be made after the instructor has left the classroom for the day in question.


Assignments:  All assignments are due upon entering class.  No one will be allowed to print homework assignments upon entering class; all assignments should be printed prior to coming to class.  No late assignments will be accepted.  Some module assignments may require reading ahead on your own within that module.


Quiz:               No makeup quizzes will be given except in extraordinary circumstances as determined by the instructor.


Test:               No makeup tests will be given except in extraordinary circumstances as determined by the instructor.


Miscellaneous Items:

  1. Any student with special needs should inform the teacher within the first week of classes so that arrangements can be made as soon as possible. (Ex. Note takers, bigger desk, etc.)
  2. No leaving the classroom during class except for an emergency.
  3. All cell phones should be turned off immediately upon entering classroom.
  4. Teacher reserves the right to change the order, include other topics, etc, in the Topic Covered area.



Students with Disabilities:

If you are a student with a documented disability, who wishes to use academic accommodations, you should do the following:


  1. Speak to me during the first two weeks of class
  2. Talk with representatives from the Academic Support Center (Onondaga Hall) to arrange your test accommodations.